PiramidNet – Modular and Hierarchical Neural Networks
Description: The main objective of this work is related to the development of autonomous agents with a high degree of intelligence and autonomy. It is intended to achieve this through the study, development and use of hierarchical neural networks capable of generating and controlling the behavior of autonomous agents (AAs). The project proposes the development of a hierarchical neural network architecture where the lower level neural networks are responsible for implementing the repertoire of basic AA behaviors, while the networks of the higher levels of the hierarchy perform the task of selecting and coordinating the basic behaviors, leading to more complex and intelligent behavior. It is intended, over two years, to execute the general objectives of the research project. For this, some topics to be investigated and developed in this period are: To verify the existence of a hierarchy in the CNS, observing how is determined the hierarchy of the behaviors in the alive beings; To show that the hierarchy occurs through independent but interconnected modular systems; Provide an environment with the necessary infrastructure so that the studies and ideas proposed by the research project can be developed and implemented; Investigate and develop techniques for the automatic generation of modules of the hierarchical neural structure; Investigate and develop biologically compatible learning schemes for the different modules of the structure; Development of agents that can go on continuously and progressively learning, even during the period of operation, so that they can adapt to new situations and changes in the environment; Investigate the possibility of implementing symbolic processing at the higher levels of the hierarchy and trying to emerge aspects of rational behavior in intelligent autonomous agents.
Status: Completed.
Nature: Research.
Students involved: Undergraduate: (1) / Academic Master’s: (3).
Members: Mauro Roisenberg – Coordinator / Lídio Mauro Lima de Campos – Member / Luis Otávio de Lacerda Oliveira – Member.
Years: 2001-2002.